Clarifier Tank

Clarifier Tank

Circular Clarifiers use widely accepted settling technology based on the density difference between water and suspended solids. The Clarifier is designed to give you the performance you require with long-term reliability. Environmental realizes that all waste streams are not alike and in many cases standard designs must be modified. Tank sizing, influent and effluent arrangements, flocculation requirements, sludge removal, and skimming methods and mechanisms are some of the considerations necessary for a successful installation.

Environmental builds Primary and SecondaryCircular Clarifiers for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, as well as Flocculating Clarifiers and Solids Contact Clarifiers for clean water or potable water applications. Our experienced staff will provide high efficiency, low maintenance systems that will provide the highest return on investment.

The Clarifiers are available in self-supporting prefabricated steel units or they can be designed for installation in a concrete tank. Existing structures and systems can sometimes be utilized and upgraded for cost savings.

Circular Clarifiers normally utilize a center feed inlet well or a peripheral inlet. The center feed well design can be equipped with a chemical addition system with mixing and flocculation. With the center feed well, the effluent is discharged along the outer wall of the clarifier tank. Clarifiers with peripheral inlets will be designed with a center bottom liquid outlet.